Brand New Sign For Greenberries

Exactly one year ago today, Greenberriesan upscale, eco-chic children’s & maternity consignment boutique, relocated from The Kings Contrivance Village Center to it’s new home in the Snowden Center off Oakland Mills Rd. I took notice of the move for a number of reasons, mainly because I live in Kings and noticed right away when they left. I was relieved to hear that it was not because they didn’t make it, but that they had actually outgrown the space. So I was happy for them, but sad to see them leave our village center.

A short time after that, I was driving on Snowden River Parkway heading west toward Oakland Mills Rd when I happened to look over and noticed that there was a small vinyl banner hanging on the facade of the building to my right. I was driving too fast to notice what it said, but the next time I drove by, I was going slower and noticed that it was a Greenberries banner. Now at least I knew exactly where they had relocated.

But I am from Columbia, and I knew about them before I happened to glance over and notice the banner. The point is, it wasn’t so hard for me to find them. But I would wager that it’s almost impossible to find them if you’re not even vaguely familiar with the area. Compounding the problem was the huge new signs for 2 other Snowden-facing tenants immediately to the left of Greenberries.

I understand the importance of visibility for a business such as Greenberries, and with my background being in digital printing and signage, I approached Rachel Baliff, the owner of Greenberries and inquired if she was planning on getting a permanent sign.

Obviously she knows the importance of visibility too, and said that she had already begun planning for it. What came next was a seemingly endless process of waiting for approvals, designs, more approvals and permits, but I am proud to say that my company, CompletelyDunn, is a mere 2 weeks away from installing a custom, state of the art, LED channel letter sign for Greenberries. So when you’re driving on Snowden River Parkway, be sure to be on the lookout for it!

And if you have children, or grandchildren, be sure to get out and support this wonderful store!


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About columbia2.0

Columbia 2.0 is a thriving grass-roots organization whose mission is to support the Next Generation of Columbia Town Center.

3 responses to “Brand New Sign For Greenberries”

  1. tjmayotteTeeJay says :

    I’m glad to see Greenberries get an adequate sign. When my wife and I wanted to check it out, we kind of had to hunt and peck in the area to track it down, and that was with street address in hand. That whole plaza is a tough scene, with no entrance from the main road and tiny signs on bland brick.

    • columbia2.0 says :

      It is a tough scene over there. But hopefully it’ll be a lot better once we install the sign next Friday! I’ll post a follow up with pics next week.

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  1. Update: Greenberries New Sign is Up! « C2.0 - August 15, 2012